Oxana Mian

Oxana Mian, MA (Laurentian University).
Doctoral Candidate
Email: [email protected]
Oxana Mian is a doctoral candidate in the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Rural and
Northern Health at Laurentian University. Her supervisory committee includes Dr.
Elizabeth Wenghofer (supervisor, School of Rural and Northern Health), Dr. Nancy
Young (co-supervisor) and Dr. Liisa Jaakkimainen (University of Toronto, ICES).
In her doctoral thesis, Oxana explores access to specialized health care and health
outcomes for Ontario children with diabetes using health administrative data, with the
focus on health outcomes for Northern Ontario children. Oxana obtained extensive
health research experience at the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research
(CRaNHR) at Laurentian University, where she works as a research associate.
Doctoral Candidate
Email: [email protected]
Oxana Mian is a doctoral candidate in the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Rural and
Northern Health at Laurentian University. Her supervisory committee includes Dr.
Elizabeth Wenghofer (supervisor, School of Rural and Northern Health), Dr. Nancy
Young (co-supervisor) and Dr. Liisa Jaakkimainen (University of Toronto, ICES).
In her doctoral thesis, Oxana explores access to specialized health care and health
outcomes for Ontario children with diabetes using health administrative data, with the
focus on health outcomes for Northern Ontario children. Oxana obtained extensive
health research experience at the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research
(CRaNHR) at Laurentian University, where she works as a research associate.